Clear Blue 2 oz Spray and Diffuser Duo
You've loved this Sacred Smudge Scent and now would love to have the lingering scent around all day in your sacred space or on your skin. Now, you can get this duo deal to keep or share. The perfect gift for any occasion. Honoring you from the inside-out, a special bonus meditation QR code comes inside the diffuser bag. The gift that keeps on giving!
Free shipping when you spend $40, only available in the US, at this price.
Clear Blue Diffuser Duo Stocking Stuffer
My Signature Sacred Scent Hollyday Gift. This beautiful diffuser can be placed on a lamp or in your car. You can also put it directly on your skin as a smudge. The calming scent also contains beautiful energetic rituals done around the world. Inside you also receive a bonus relaxation meditation to recharge your soul. Not just one but two!!!
I've taken off 2$ per bottle and the shipping and handling. Currently this deal is only available in the US.