Soul Painting,
Authentic Expression through Divine Inspiration Awakens Your Soul's Highest Potential
*Abstract paint process on canvas using acrylics, moving paint with old socks, rags, hands…
*No artistic ability or talent needed, discover your heart’s voice and song
*Move paint from the pure, creative heart
*Accesses personal authenticity through trust and allowance
*Allows the child/adult to create from intuition/divine inspiration without outside direction
Soul Painting Party
A private painting party in the convenience of your own home. Per person price. Minimum 8
I'll provide all the necessary painting materials, 16 x 20 canvases and guidance for your group.
If you'd like it catered by me...we can talk about your personalized menu and additional cost.
I'll provide all the necessary painting materials, 16 x 20 canvases and guidance for your group.
If you'd like it catered by me...we can talk about your personalized menu and additional cost.